This morning, an piercing sound rang through our home. It was the alarm that Andrea had purchased to sound when water was in the basement. I ran down the steps and guess what? The alarm works!
“Well, this isn’t good.” Andrea observed from behind me.
It was nowhere near the four inches that had recently filled the basement. We plugged in our too small shop vac and got to work. The shop vac would quickly fill and we would schlep it up the stairs. Dump. Repeat.
We posted to our town bulletin board on Facebook where a plumber suggested himself and Andrea had the gall to point out that we had reached out to him and they didn’t return our call and then someone defended him and his incompetent help so we deleted that post after connecting with some one who could (& did) help. The internet. Such fun!
Once my work day wrapped, we headed to the credit union to get some required paperwork notarized for “the move” and I’m fairly certain that some of the pages got effed up by the notary so do over to those on Thursday. In the shiny new year. Honestly. Hitting some magick later today. It’s come to that. Cannot carry this bad juju much longer. This morning, Andrea remarked that she was ready to Sylvia Plath it.
I replied, “Okay. Your code name is Plath. I’m Woolf.” Referring to female authors who offed themselves. I know. Things are not that bad but honestly, this is crazy.
This morning, the thought “Today’s Jeanette’s birthday.” Floated through my mind. I’d remembered but was still gut punched when Facebook pointed it out to me. The internet. Amirite?!
Jeanette would have been 44 today, if she hadn’t passed away from breast cancer when she was 35. I know she would no doubt give anything to be here with us - even if that meant shop vac’ing water out of her basement. Perspective.
The sun is setting on another year. Another decade. How is it possible that so much has happened in the space of a year? Ten years? What have you carried with you this past year? How heavy is it? What would it feel like to let go of it? To put it down? Have you carried it longer than a year? Have you carried it a decade? Put it down. It’s easy and hard and then, ultimately, easy. Let that shit go. I’d go so far as to say that you will have a happier new year of you do. You’ll have to let me know if that’s true.