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  • Writer's picturemaggiehsmith07

Energy Flows Where Focus Goes

I saw this post on Instagram this morning and it felt like a little pat on the back from the universe.

Love it and I would add “who” to “value what you give your energy and time to.” Stay in your lane. Support those who support you. After all, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Tomorrow, together with a few members of my tribe, we’ll weigh in to a 12-week body challenge. I’ve gotten a head start by breaking my carb/sugar cycle one day at a time for 6 days. I'm using an app called "Happy Scale" which I like because it breaks your total weight loss into milestones. Which is a lot less overwhelming than looking at the big picture.

I hear you can do anything for a day. My pal Jamie posted about SMART goals:






Jamie…. She’s a smart one. She’s onto something there. Usually, my goals are anything but realistic. They’re a bit all or nothing. Like, “I’M GOING TO WORKOUT 7 DAYS A WEEK!” Which may be a realistic goal for some people but sets me up for failure. At least initially, I have to work my way up to a run or exercise streak. This year, I bought a Commit30 journal where I set a goal to work out 3 times a week during the month of January. I managed 5. Under commit, over deliver. One of those workout was trying out a spin class at Rev’d. It was hectic for me to get out of work and get to the class on time. I fell into my car after work and briefly considered cancelling and then remembered my GD “18 in ‘18” list. So I hustled over to the spin studio. My friend Eric raves about Rev’d but never really elaborated as to why. Spinning at Rev’d is like being at a rave, due to the changing lights, sweatiness and high energy. Except that everyone’s sober, except perhaps the manic instructor who may have been on speed. Probably not. But it was impressive how she did the workout, hopped on and off the bike to offer enthusiastic encouragement. I was fairly convinced I was going to die and then the instructor coached us to pick up hand weights handily stored on the back of the bike. Hand weights?! This was after crunches and all other manners of gyrating on the bike. Class ended and I realized in awe that I was still breathing. Still conscious. Which could only mean one thing, I need to try this again…. Eric swears it takes 10 classes to get the hang of that. He may have been saying that just to make me feel better about my near death experience. Or he was sincere. Either way, thanks Eric!

I think the feeling you get when you’re getting your ass kicked in the middle of a workout is a metaphor for life. You want to give up, walk out, in the middle of the ass kicking workout. But then you remember:

  1. The workout is only 45 minutes or an hour. You can endure for that amount of time.

  2. If you walked out of class, you’d have to make your exit in front of a room full of people who are toughing it out and you’d look like a total candy ass.

Life hands out kicks in the ass on the regular but we can get through it one (sometimes excruciating) moment at a time.

Gretchen Rubin writes that “outer order contributes to inner calm.” I wholeheartedly believe this. Early in my career, I learned this from a CEO of mine who was really big on a clean desk and to this day, I cannot work unless my desk is fairly orderly (thanks, Joan!). And, I always leave my desk tidy at the end of the day. The same could not be said of my makeup which was bursting from a small bag.

Then, there was a tote of make up in the closet.

When things are a jumble, there’s no way you really know what you have. Exhibit A: Some (no where near all) of my lip balm.

I bought a roomy tote from Sephora which is kinda like a sophisticated version of a Caboodle which means it’s only available in black.

I dumped out make up from the small bag and plastic tote and got to work. Which meant purging. Purging things is simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. OHMYGODWHATIFINEEDTHAT?!?!? I held up each item and thought of my grandma who was something of a beauty supply hoarder herself. Her way of purging the excess was to give it to me when I would visit. I would excitedly take whatever was offered and use it immediately when I got home. Then I would promptly break out in a rash on my face. Every. Single. Time. My mother said, “Maggie – just graciously accept what is offered and DON’T USE IT!” Solid advice but those jars of rash producing elixir were unresistable. It’s hard to let go of things and people even if they’re toxic for us. Because maybe, just maybe things will be different this time. Probably not. Let it go.

This morning, Andrea insisted on a driving lesson for me. That GD list again…. I got her low, VW GTI stuck in snow behind the neighborhood elementary school. A woman pulled up behind us, eager to run her two, rambunctious pups, and got out of her car to help push us free. “How did this happen?” she asked. “Uh. Well. Driving lesson. I’m learning to drive standard.” Her reply was a laugh. Honestly, not funny, lady. I had better material in the car. Clearly. Luckily, Andrea must enjoy danger in her life. And? She’s really patient. I mean, she’s married to me. Andrea said I did well, which is to say her car is intact and no one was hurt or killed. So that’s a win. My goal is to drive somewhere in town but driving on the road is PRACTICALLY nervous poop inducing. There is danger from EVERY DIRECTION. For now, I’m mastering parking lots. SMART goals, people.

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