I woke up with a headache today. I blame this on the cat’s dying bullshit. I took two Excedrin and got back in bed for an hour. Thankfully, this cleared it up. The vet had said Elliot can eat whatever he wants so I went to Dunkin’ Donuts and bought him glazed munchkins. He ate some which made us happy for a moment. The moment passed and we took a nap. “We should do something today besides sulk.” Andrea said. So we were productive individuals at home for a moment & then Andrea suggested we head out. “Mmmm. What if Elliot needs me?” I asked. “What would be need you for?” Andrea asked, sizing up my mental status with a concerned look. “Uh. I don’t know. That’s why I was thinking I should stay home...” We went out. It seems that he fared okay without me while we bought frames and some seltzer. When we came home, we let Elliot outside on our deck and gave him some more fresh cat nip. “Do you think Elliot will haunt us?” Andrea asked. “If anyone would haunt us, it would be Elliot.” I replied with a chuckle, “How do you think Elliot would haunt us? Move cups onto the floor?” “Elliot would move my lamp.” Andrea said. Part of me wants Elliot to haunt us but the other part of me wants him to be at peace. Georgie comes home from doggie reform school tomorrow. Yin and yang.